Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Saini stated that public confidence in the BJP government has increased, emphasizing that the government’s work will resonate with the public. Saini made these remarks while speaking to journalists after paying obeisance at Nada Sahib Gurdwara in Panchkula on Tuesday. The Chief Minister announced that after seeking blessings from Nada Sahib Gurudwara, he would kick off the Lok Sabha election campaign from Karnal. Assembly Speaker Gyan Chand Gupta, Lok Sabha candidate Banto Kataria, District President Deepak Sharma, and former MLA Latika Sharma were present alongside the Chief Minister during this event. Saini expressed enthusiasm among party workers regarding the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, stating that Haryana aims to ensure a clean sweep, sending 10 out of 10 lotuses to Prime Minister Modi.
Highlighting Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ten-year tenure, Saini praised Modi’s efforts in giving a new direction to India, particularly benefiting the poor through planned initiatives. He commended the Modi government’s focus on infrastructure development and its efforts in enhancing India’s global stature. Saini lauded various schemes such as the provision of permanent housing to four crore poor individuals, gas connections under the Ujjwala scheme, and tap water in every household.
Saini emphasized the BJP’s farmer-friendly policies, citing initiatives like the Prime Minister Kisan Samman Nidhi and the Prime Minister Crop Insurance Scheme, which have strengthened and empowered farmers. He also mentioned schemes like Ayushman Bharat and Chirayu Yojana, which have provided healthcare coverage to the poor.
Asserting the government’s success in generating employment opportunities, Saini highlighted the increased confidence of the youth in the BJP government. He reaffirmed the commitment of both the Central and State Governments to the welfare and security of the people.
The Chief Minister received a grand welcome from Panchkula to Karnal, where a roadshow was conducted. Enthusiastic supporters gathered along the route, chanting slogans in support of the Chief Minister and former Chief Minister Manohar Lal. Thousands of workers greeted the leaders in Gharaunda, marking Chief Minister Saini’s first visit to the town since assuming office.”
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