Haryana chief minister (CM) Manohar Lal Khattar announced four development works worth Rs 21.33 crore for Panchkula, and multiple projects for the state during a video conference on Wednesday. Haryana Assembly Speaker Gian Chand Gupta dedicated the development projects to the public while presiding over as the chief guest at a district level programme held at PWD Rest House Sector-1.

The development projects inaugurated for Panchkula district included the new teaching block of Government Polytechnic Morni built at a cost of Rs 7.98 crore and the Government Model Senior Secondary School constructed for around Rs 3.07 crore. A three-storey building of Secondary School Bataur was also inaugurated.

The Speaker also laid down the foundation stone of the bridge to be built on Nandana Cho in Sector-25 at a cost of Rs 4.75 crore and the foundation stone of the fire station to be built in Sector-5/B Mansa Devi Complex at a cost of Rs 5.52 crore.

Gupta said: “Today Haryana is the leading state of the country in many fields. The bridge to be built on Nandana Cho of Sector 25 will connect Sector 25 and Sector 25 Part-3, which will ease the movement of traffic. Gupta added that the four projects initiated for Panchkula would will be a milestone in the development of the district. Apart from this, the road leading from the dumping ground to NH-7 will have direct connectivity with the sector.

He said that since this bridge would pass through a commercial area, business opportunities would further increase. The construction of this 52.25-metre-long bridge was expected to be completed in the next 18 months.