Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal launched an online transfer portal for Group-D employees on Monday. This portal will enable those employees appointed after the application of the Group-D law in 2018 to apply for their transfers online. Additionally, the portal will facilitate applications for other positions within the Group-D common cadre. Alongside this initiative, he also inaugurated the “Aatmanirbhar” portal. Through this platform, individuals in the state can access five documents related to their family identity cards, including family identity proof, ration card, caste/income certificate, and senior citizen certificate.

The ‘Jansahayak’ mobile app will offer services such as complaints and services, details of farmers through ‘My Crop-My Information,’ farmer gate passes, e-procurement, e-farm details, property details, and marriage registrations directly on mobile phones. Moreover, he inaugurated the Cooperative Societies’ Integrated Multifunctional Action Plan (CMPAX), aiming to connect people with the cooperative movement.

During this event, the Chief Minister also launched the 2024 calendar and presented the Atal Bihari Vajpayee Good Governance Awards, honoring officials with six state-level flagship awards, three state-level awards, and three district-level Good Governance Awards. Regarding governance improvements, the Chief Minister highlighted initiating the online teacher transfer policy within two months of taking office in December 2014. This initiative facilitated direct access for more than 11.50 lakh people. Emphasizing discipline as the foundation of governance, he stressed the government’s commitment to providing accessible public services from home, considering it the essence of good governance. He addressed officials and others present at the state-level program organized on Governance Day in Panchkula on Monday.

The emphasis on transparency and ease of access to government services was the cornerstone of the Chief Minister’s address, emphasizing the government’s commitment to reaching the poorest of the poor through system reforms. Plans were initiated to resolve property-related disputes in villages and implement the Prime Minister’s Ownership Scheme nationwide.