Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar announced that IMT Kharkhoda will be developed on the lines of Gurugram and other industrial townships. He mentioned that major allocations for mega projects were made recently. This declaration took place during the 16th meeting of the Haryana Enterprise Promotion Board, where approximately 94.32 acres of land were approved for allocation to M/s Yuno Minda Limited for its mega project.
Additionally, Suzuki Motorcycle India Private Limited proposed an investment plan. They have proposed an investment of 2,000 crores to establish a mega plant in IMT Kharkhoda.
CM Khattar’s vision aims to transform IMT Kharkhoda into a robust industrial hub akin to Gurugram, reflecting the state’s commitment to fostering industrial growth. The allocation of land and the proposed investments underscore Haryana’s emphasis on creating an environment conducive to major industrial initiatives.
This move aligns with the state government’s efforts to attract significant investments and reinforce Haryana’s position as an industrially progressive state. The proposed investments and the strategic development plans for IMT Kharkhoda signal a promising trajectory for industrial expansion and economic development in the region.