Haryana’s CM Manohar Lal arrived in Panipat, joining the Chhath festival at NFL Ghat as the chief guest. Accompanying him was renowned Bhojpuri actor and BJP MP, Manoj Tiwari.
During the Chhath Puja celebration, the CM performed the ritualistic Arghya to the setting sun.

Traditionally, water offerings are made to the rising sun, but this unique practice is reserved solely for Chhath Puja. Dr. Amit Kumar Aggarwal, the Additional Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister, visited the event venue earlier, emphasizing the historic collaboration of around 30 Purvanchal organizations hosting the event. Fasting individuals abstain from food and water throughout the day.

As part of the rituals, offerings of fruits, banana kadli, and thekua are assembled in a sacred vessel during Prasad and presented to the Sun God. This significant event holds cultural and spiritual significance for the participating communities. This celebration holds immense cultural and spiritual importance, bringing together various communities and reinforcing their shared cultural heritage.