Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar flagged off a Cyclothon as part of the state government’s campaign against drugs in Karnal on Friday. The campaign is titled ‘Cyclothon for a Drug-Free Haryana’. Flagging off the event, the Haryana Chief Minister said that his government is working for a drug-free society in the state in cooperation with NGOs and other organisations. He also announced that every Tuesday in Karnal will be a ‘car-free day’ where all government officials will travel by bicycle only.  He participated in the cyclothon by riding a bicycle along with other cyclists. He added that when he is in Karnal on Tuesday he too will ride a bicycle.  Around 1,000 cyclists participated in the cyclothon which will traverse all 22 districts of the state. The cyclothon will culminate at Yamunanagar on September 25.