Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday said that his government has requested the Centre to allow it to shut for a few days markets that may emerge as Covid-19 hotspots amid a surge in cases in the national capital. The state is also looking at reducing the number of people allowed for weddings back to 50.
CM Kejriwal’s remarks come a day after his government said that the city would not be put under another lockdown, adding that a third wave of Covid-19 had already peaked out.
“Since cases are rising in Delhi, we are sending a general proposal to the Centre so that, if required, the state government can shut for a few days those markets where social distancing norms are not being followed and they are on the verge of becoming local Covid-19 hotspots,” the Delhi CM said.
He also informed that “Delhi had allowed up to 200 people at weddings, in keeping with the Central government guidelines. But now we have decided to go back to the earlier limit of 50 people. I have sent a proposal to the Lieutenant Governor for approval. I hope he gives permission soon”.
Kejriwal also thanked the Centre for helping Delhi in “such a difficult time”. I especially want to thank the Centre for providing 750 ICU beds, he said appealing to people to wear masks and follow social distancing norms.
“During Diwali, we observed that many people weren’t wearing masks or following social distancing while shopping. People think it (Covid-19) will not happen to them. I request you with folded hands that the Coronavirus disease can happen to anyone, and can turn fatal,” he said.
Meanwhile, Kejriwal’s idea has received mixed response from the shopkeepers, with some welcoming the decision, while others asserting that it would affect their already wilting business. Sanjay Bhargava, president of Chandni Chowk Vyapar Mandal, told IANS, “Markets should be closed. Wholesale and retail shops should be opened on alternate days. There will be loss of businesses, but health is more important.”
A shopkeeper in Chandni Chowk, Jatin Gandhi, also concurred with the market president’s views and said, “The markets should be closed. We are with the government for this decision.”
Emphasising that businesses will take a massive hit if the shops are closed, another shop owner said that rather than shutting them down, people should follow social distancing norms and those without masks should be challaned. “We do not want another lockdown. The businesses have just started after a lull. The government should rather increase the testing capacity,” Amitdeep Yadav, a shop owner, told IANS.
The Covid spike in Delhi started in the end of October, and has since thrown up record numbers each week. On 3 November, the city saw 6,725 cases, three days later it crossed the 7,000 mark. On 11 November, the city recorded 8,593 new cases, an all-time high. Though Delhi recorded 3,500 cases in the past two days it came with a drop in testing to under 30,000—half of the usual.
According to a Central government report, Delhi is likely to see an average of 15,000 cases a day in the winter.