On Thursday, Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot said that Congress leader Rahul Gandhi’s Bharat Jodo Yatra “gave the country hope for a peaceful future and weaved a thread of love and unity.”
While talking about the first anniversary of the party’s Kanyakumari to Kashmir Bharat Jodo Yatra, Gehlot expressed his feelings on ‘X’, saying, “One year ago today, Rahul Gandhi took out the Bharat Jodo Yatra. What this yatra did for India was truly unique and transformative.”
He added, “It gave hope for a new peaceful future to a country battling divisive forces and weaved a thread of love and unity. People turned up to be a part of the yatra as for the first time a beloved leader was walking with them, listening to their concerns and standing by them.”
Gehlot said that issues related to inflation, gig workers, and social security discussed during the Bharat Jodo Yatra have yielded positive results.
He stated that Rajasthan is meaningfully fulfilling the objectives of the yatra by providing the cheapest gas cylinders in the country at Rs 500, enacting a law for gig workers and implementing unprecedented social security schemes.
The Chief Minister said, “On the anniversary of Bharat Jodo Yatra, I can firmly say that Congress’ commitment to the protection of democracy and public welfare is stronger than ever. Bharat Jodo Yatra will unite India.”
The Bharat Jodo Yatra started from Kanyakumari on September 7 last year and ended in Srinagar on January 30 this year. During the 145-day yatra, Rahul Gandhi travelled more than 4,000 kilometres with several party leaders. Gandhi addressed 12 public meetings, more than 100 street corner meetings and 13 press conferences. He had over 275 planned walking interactions and more than 100 sitting interactions.
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