Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami stated on Sunday that authorities should visit villages and set up chaupals in order to find prompt answers to community issues. Officers should occasionally arrange up night chaupals to listen to public issues and address them immediately. According to Dhami, extra focus should be given to streamlining procedures so that the general population can benefit from the numerous government-run public welfare programmes.
The Chief Minister said that a target has been set to make Devbhoomi Uttarakhand drug-free by 2025.
He instructed the officers that for this a massive public awareness campaign should be launched at the district level.
He instructed the officials of the Public Works Department that strict action will be taken against the officials responsible for the bad condition of the roads.
Dhami unveiled Aadi Shakti Dham Momento of district Tehri on this occasion. Under Mission Shatak, the Chief Minister honored the meritorious students by giving them certificates.
Chief Minister inaugurated 61 Amrit Sarovars of the district, 392 Lakhpati Didi inaugurated personal asset creation work through MNREGA, inaugurated 100 Nutri Gardens, inaugurated 62 Anganwadi buildings, Goat Valley Scheme under the district, poly distribution to 100 beneficiaries.
Chief Development Officer Manish Kumar gave detailed information about various development works being done in the district.
He said that 84 Amrit Sarovars have been made in the district. 61 more Amrit Sarovars are being made. More Amrit Sarovars have been built than the target the district had got.
He said that many works are being done in the district to promote agriculture and horticulture.
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