Uttarakhand CM Pushkar Singh Dhami said a relief package was released for the families affected by the gradual land subsidence in Joshimath. In a statement, Dhami told reporters, “For the time being, interim assistance of Rs 1.50 Lakh per family is being given. An advance amount of Rs 1 lakh has been given to the affected landowners or families due to landslides in the affected area before the permanent settlement displacement policy is prepared.”

CM Dhami also stated that Rs 50,000 had been given by the state disaster authority to each family as a non-adjustable one-time special grant for the transportation of goods and immediate needs of their buildings.

Due to landslides in the Joshimath city area, over 720 buildings were identified to have developed cracks. As a part of the rehabilitation, residents have been moved to safer places while geologists and experts scramble to ascertain the reasons for the subsidence in the ecologically fragile region.

Construction projects in the region have been put on hold. A government committee was formed to look into the situation. “From the point of view of security, the families who are being shifted to other places should be ensured that all better necessary arrangements are there,” the Chief Minister added.

Dhami taking to Twitter on Wednesday, said, “On-site inspection of the affected areas in Joshimath and meeting with local citizens.”

As per an official statement, the Chief Minister will hold a meeting with army officers, and ITBP officers along with a meeting of the committee constituted for the transparent distribution of interim package to families affected by landslides and to determine the rate of rehabilitation package.