Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel reiterated the state’s demand for a refund of the NPS amount and GST compensation during a pre-budget meeting chaired by Union Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in New Delhi on Friday.
He also demanded the transfer of the amounts collected as an ‘additional levy’ from coal block companies. According to CM Baghel, the state government has restored the old pension scheme in Chhattisgarh in order to secure the future of government employees and their families.He added that the Rs 17,240 crore deposited with NSDL until March 31 should be returned so that it can be put in the general provident fund of the employees.
He informed the Union Minister, “The state government’s share will be deposited in a separate pension fund, which will be used to meet pensionary obligations in the future. Along with this, it will be invested in the government of India and state government securities.”
CM Baghel further said that Chhattisgarh had requested to continue the system of GST compensation grants for the next five years after June 2022, but it was not increased. He demanded an amount of 1,875 crore for GST compensation. He also demanded that the Rs 4,140 crore in coal royalties be transferred to the state as soon as possible.
He requested the release of Rs 1,288 crore spent on central security forces and Rs 313 crore spent by the state government on four special and Indian defence forces deployed in the state.
Besides referring to the fact that 2023 has also been declared the “International Year of Millet” by the United Nations, the CM has said that Kodo, Kutki, and Ragi (Millets) are mainly cultivated in Chhattisgarh and urged the Centre to declare a minimum support price for Kodo and Kutki crops to promote Millets crops.
He also demanded the setting up of marketing centres along the lines of C-Mart so that agriculture, handicrafts, and minor forest products could be promoted.