On Wednesday, Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma inspected a Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra camp organised in Boranada, Jodhpur. While addressing the public, the Chief Minister said that under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, work is being done for the development of India and the welfare of the poor by the year 2047.

In this direction, the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra has been started to ensure that the benefits of the central and state government schemes reach every citizen without any ‘cut’ for the beneficiaries. He said that this journey is a nationwide campaign to increase awareness about the welfare schemes of the central government and to expand the scope of beneficiaries.
“Under the leadership of the Prime Minister, our country is establishing new records of development and progress in every field. The result of his vision is that today the country has become the fifth-largest economy in the world,” he added.

Rajasthan is leading in the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra
CM Bhajan Lal Sharma said, “So far, more than 3.29 crore people have participated in camps at 11,478 locations in the state. Rajasthan is at the forefront of this. He said that more than 11.59 lakh farmers have benefited from the Farmer Credit Card in the camps. Along with this, registration in the PM Ujjwala scheme category, health check-ups of more than 2.32 crore people in health camps, e-card of Ayushman Bharat card, more than 4 lakh in PM Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana, and nearly 7.14 lakh people in PM Security Insurance Scheme have benefited in Rajasthan, which is in the first place.”

He said that Jodhpur also has a special contribution to the success of this campaign. More than 11.77 lakh people have participated in 441 camps here. Health check-ups of about 6.91 lakh people have been done, and about 25 thousand farmer credit cards have been given.
He said, “Maintaining the rule of the constitution and law in the state is our goal. Anti-social elements will not be allowed to spread unrest. General consent has been given for the CBI investigation, adopting a zero-tolerance policy on corruption in the state. Farmers are being connected to the Kisan Samman Nidhi for their all-round development. The support price for wheat in the state has been increased by Rs 125 to give economic stability to the farmers.”