Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal on Thursday visited several areas of Gurugram city, conducting a surprise inspection of cleanliness and assessing the amenities available to the citizens. He also inspected various locations, including Village Kanhai, Sirhaul turn on Old Delhi Road, Carterpuri Road, Rejangla Chowk, Sector 23, and the dumping point near Kamla Nehru Park in Sadar Bazaar. While engaging with sanitation workers during the surprise inspection, the Chief Minister attentively addressed their concerns. In response to the sanitation workers’ request for equipment, the Chief Minister announced the purchase of resources worth Rs 1 crore from the CSR fund specifically for Gurugram.

This fund will be utilized to procure 200 hand rickshaws, 150 regular rickshaws, and 10 tippers, aiming to enhance cleanliness initiatives in Gurugram city. Along with this, he also instructed the Municipal Corporation Commissioner to provide bonuses to the cleaning workers. It is worth mentioning that on November 30, Chief Minister Manohar Lal issued directives for the comprehensive cleaning of all urban areas in the state. As per these instructions, cleanliness initiatives were underway in 88 urban areas of the state until December 10.

The Chief Minister personally reviewed this campaign twice via video conferencing and emphasized that he and his cabinet members would visit all locations to conduct surprise inspections. Continuing this initiative, the Chief Minister inspected Gurugram city on Thursday, expressing his commitment to conduct another surprise inspection in Gurugram after a month. Principal Advisor to the Chief Minister on Urban Development DS Dhesi, Commissioner of Municipal Corporation, Gurugram PC Meena, Deputy Commissioner Gurugram Nishant Kumar Yadav, Commissioner of Police Vikas Arora and officials of various departments were also present on this occasion.