Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann has announced that the people of the state will demand accountability from traditional parties for their actions during the upcoming ‘Main Punjab Boldaa Haan’ debate scheduled for November 1 in Ludhiana.
Inviting the people of the state to participate in this significant event, Chief Minister Mann revealed that all political parties that have held power in Punjab will have a 30-minute slot to present their case during the debate, focusing on state-related issues. The debate will be moderated by Prof. Nirmal Jaura.
Mann emphasized that the debate will revolve around topics such as the historical mismanagement of Punjab, nepotism, favoritism, toll plazas, issues concerning youth, agriculture, trade, shopkeepers, incidents of sacrilege, river water disputes, and more. He challenged leaders of traditional political parties to engage in an open and constructive discussion before the people of Punjab and the media.=
The Chief Minister stated unequivocally that these leaders bear responsibility for actions against the state, and history will not absolve them for betraying Punjab. He asserted that the debate would shed light on how these leaders prioritized their personal interests over the welfare of Punjab, making unforgivable compromises. Mann made it clear that the people of Punjab will never forget or forgive these leaders for their actions, which he described as detrimental to the state and its people.