The Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud on Thursday inaugurated a day-long blood donation camp organised by the Supreme Court Employees Welfare Association in coordination with the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences. Secretary General and other senior officials of the top Court were also present. According to a press release, “Around 200 officials and staff members of the Supreme Court participated in the noble cause. A team of doctors at the camp was led by Dr K Sharma, MS and Head, Department of Transfusion Medicine, AIIMS.”
The tragic incident occurred after a tanker overturned, igniting flames that claimed lives amid soaring…
President-elect Donald Trump's border czar, Tom Homan, announced upcoming targeted enforcement operations to detain illegal…
Meanwhile, Trump supporters are preparing for the inauguration, with hotels in DC reporting nearly 70%…
Police vehicles, sirens blaring, patrolled the areas between the starting points.
The Corruption Investigation Office for High-Ranking Officials has sought a warrant to formally arrest Yoon.
Singapore President Tharman Shanmugaratnam praised India's growing influence in the global economy during his visit…