After being isolated in his own party, Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) leader Chirag Paswan on Wednesday came in front of the media and said that he was ready for a legal fight with the rebels, including his uncle, and declared himself as a “son of a lion”. While addressing a press conference in Delhi, while blaming the JD-U for the LJP crisis, he defended decisions like contesting the Bihar election separately from the NDA which was one of the reasons for his disagreement with his uncle Pashupati Kumar Paras.
In an emotional statement, Chirag Paswan said, “Today, I have become an orphan after my uncle left me, not when I lost my father, When I was ill, the plan was made and executed by others.” While terming the removal from the party president post as illegal, Chirag Paswan said: “If Pashupati Paras wanted to be the leader of the party in Parliament, he could have told me and I would have happily made him the leader. The way I was removed was completely illegal. We are also ready for a legal battle.” Chirag Paswan also revealed about his efforts to placate his uncle and said, “I tried my level best to make sure that the party and family stays united. Even my mother tried to contact uncle, but was not able to do so.”
Before coming to the press conference, he released a letter from his party’s official twitter handle , which was written to the Lok Sabha Speaker in which he contested his decision to name Pashupati Kumar Paras as the leader of the party in the House, saying it is contrary to provisions of his organization. This letter was written on Tuesday. Chirag Paswan also informed Om Birla of the party’s decision to expel five MPs, who have joined hands against him, and urged the Speaker to review the earlier decision and issue a new circular naming him as the LJP leader in the Lok Sabha.
Chirag Paswan also blamed the JD-U for the current rumblings in LJP. In the press conference, he said “The JD-U, as a party, has always tried to divide other parties that come up to give them a fight. We are devising a legal way to respond to everything that has happened in the past few days. The JD-U is solely responsible for the current situation.”
On the other hand, Chirag Paswan’s uncle Pashupati Kumara Paras hits back at Chirag Paswan before heading for Patna. “You must ask Chirag Paswan why he removed me from the state president’s post. He did it even when he didn’t hold power. We contested Bihar elections under my supervision and all six MPs won. We received the highest percentage of vote as per the Election Commission’s report,” he said.
Meanwhile, a complaint has been filed in the court of the Chief Judicial Magistrate of Muzaffarpur against the new LJP leader in Lok Sabha, Pashupati Kumar Paras, and party MP Prince Raj. Muzaffarpur social worker Kundan Kumar filed this complaint through advocate Kamlesh Kumar.
Kundan Kumar in his complaint has said that the accused have cheated and betrayed the national president of LJP Chirag Paswan. Both the accused have tried to capture the party by confusing other party leaders. By doing so, both the accused have openly violated the parliamentary decorum of democracy. As a common citizen of the country, the complainant was greatly traumatised by this and he became ill due to which he had to go to the hospital for treatment.
The complaint was filed by Kundan Kumar under Sections 406 and 420/34 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), according to a copy of the complaint. The matter will be heard on 21 June.