China’s Navy is using US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as the pretext to literally encircle Taiwan and test the navy’s capability to lay a naval blockade of the island. Valerio Fabbri, writing in Portal Plus, said that China is behaving like a cornered cat after the stormy visit of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan, which does not augur well for the small island nation.
On the one hand, China has curtailed necessary, sensitive communication links with the United States. On the other hand, it has launched a strategy of steadily increasing its posture of aggression against Taiwan. China’s invasion of Taiwan may soon become a question of time and opportunity, said Fabbri. China is currently not acting rationally.
Immediately after her visit, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) government launched a four-day, relentless naval exercise in the waters around Taiwan. Chinese officers resorted to live firing, which is usually a later stage of exercising operational readiness. Over 50 warships and 200 Chinese military aircraft were involved in the exercise. China Central Television (CCT), the state broadcaster, quoted Meng Xiangqing, a professor at the PLA-affiliated National Defence University, as saying that the naval exercise was aimed to “completely smash the so-called median line” and demonstrate China’s ability to prevent foreign intervention in a conflict by blockading and controlling.
The Bashi Channel, an important waterway between the western Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea”.China has indeed exhibited unusually aggressive and warlike military postures against most countries it has disputes with after Xi Jinping came to power, according to Portal Plus. It occupied the rocky shoals in the South China Sea. It established a defence identification.