Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal met the state players who were honored with the Arjuna Award and their coach at Haryana Bhavan in New Delhi today. During the event, he also presented awards to the recipients and their coaches.
The Chief Minister congratulated wrestlers Sunil Kumar, Antim Panghal, and golfer Diksha Dagar, who were honored with the Arjuna Award in the National Sports Awards 2023. In the meeting, the Chief Minister sought suggestions from these athletes on how sports in Haryana could be further promoted. In response, the athletes praised Haryana’s sports policy, stating that it has boosted the morale of athletes, and the youth are now more inclined towards sports due to this pro-player policy.
The Chief Minister shared that Haryana provides the highest cash rewards to medal winners in the country. He assured that the government would implement any good suggestions given by athletes to further boost sports infrastructure and facilities. He expressed pride when Haryana athletes win medals on the international stage, and when the National Anthem is played, it becomes a mesmerizing and prideful moment for all Indians.
Arjuna Awardees Sunil Kumar and Antim Panghal, who met with the Chief Minister, mentioned that Haryana’s sports policy has given a boost to sports, especially in wrestling, where Haryana has achieved a separate status. Regardless of the competition, Haryana’s wrestlers are shining bright and winning medals.
Arjuna Awardee Yogeshwar Dutt, who accompanied the players during the meeting with the Chief Minister, mentioned that from a sports perspective, Haryana is a prosperous state. Suggestions were also given to the Chief Minister during the meeting to further promote wrestling in the state. He said that the Chief Minister has been consistently making efforts to promote sports.
Media Advisor to the Chief Minister, Rajeev Jaitly, Deputy Director of the Sports Department, Giriraj Singh, Arjuna Awardee coach Rohtash Dahiya, Dronacharya Awardee coach Mahavir Singh, Arjuna Awardee Sunil Kumar, Commonwealth Games gold medalist Anil Kumar, Dhyan Chand Awardee Kuldeep Malik, Olympic referee Ashok Kumar, Arjuna Awardee Anshul Malik, Arjuna Awardee Sarita Mor, International Players Ritu, Shweta, and Vishal Kaliraman also attended the event.