Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar, who also oversees the finance department, commended the noteworthy surge in Goods and Services Tax (GST) collections achieved by the Haryana Excise and Taxation Department.
While India’s overall GST revenue for December 2023 amounted to Rs 1,64,822 crore, reflecting a 10.3% year-on-year increase, Haryana’s performance exceeded the national average. The state recorded a substantial growth in gross GST collection, reaching Rs 8,130 crore for December 2023, marking an impressive 22% rise compared to the Rs 6,678 crore reported in December 2022. This growth outstrips the national average significantly, highlighting the effectiveness of Haryana’s economic policies and tax administration.
It’s noteworthy that neighboring states also experienced positive growth: Himachal Pradesh (5%), Punjab (8%), Delhi (16%), and Jammu and Kashmir (20%). Khattar said that the department’s performance in December, emphasizing its role in bolstering the state’s economic stability. He further said that the surge in GST collection not only mirrors Haryana’s economic advancement but also signifies promising prospects for its overall development.
He expressed optimism for sustained growth, aiming to elevate Haryana’s economic and financial stature. Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar praised the Haryana Excise and Taxation Department for its significant rise in GST collections. Haryana’s gross GST collection for December 2023 reached Rs 8,130 crore, a remarkable 22% increase compared to the previous year.
Exceeding the national average, this surge underscores the efficacy of Haryana’s economic strategies and tax management. Adjacent states also witnessed favorable growth in GST collections. Khattar highlighted the pivotal role played by the department in fortifying the state’s economic resilience and expressed confidence in the prospect of enduring growth.