Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel unveiled development works worth Rs 2,834 crore in 28 districts of the state through a virtual program organized at his residence office on Sunday. On this occasion, while congratulating and wishing the people of the state, the Chief Minister said that during nearly past 3 years, the state has faced many challenges including the pandemic and lockdown. Despite this, the work of development and construction has been going on continuously in Chhattisgarh. Chief Minister inaugurated 401 works and performed Bhoomi Pujan on the occasion. In which 332 works of Public Works Department costing 2708 crores are for road, bridge-culvert and building construction.

The program, held virtually, was presided over by Public Works Minister Shri Tamradhwaj Sahu.

The Chief Minister further said that in the month of June, a total of 8188 works of various departments were inaugurated and Bhumi Pujan was performed in all the districts of the state, at a total cost of Rs.6,845 crore. In the month of June itself, 658 projects costing Rs 238 crore were laid for providing door-to-door drinking water, on which work is going on at a rapid pace. Since then, many more new works have been started continuously, and the completed works are also being dedicated continuously.

The Chief Minister said that apart from the works costing 2708 crores of Public Works Department, 69 works of other departments are also being inaugurated and foundation stone is being laid today, which cost Rs 125.65 crores. These include construction works , which have been in demand for years. He said that like the schemes of the social sector, we are also working fast on the schemes of construction and public convenience development. He said that the work of 312 roads and bridges is being done expeditiously for better transport facility in the Naxal affected areas of the state. Similarly, under Mukhyamantri Sugam Sadak Yojana, 2262 works costing 266 crores are being completed expeditiously. The Chief Minister expressed hope that this would further strengthen the road network in the state. At the same time, the development of public facilities will be accelerated.