An official announcement from the Chief Minister’s office (CMO) states that Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel would present a total of Rs 20.18 crore to the Godhan Nyaya Yojana recipients today during a ceremony held at his residential office in Raipur. This includes Rs 4.91 crore to rural cattle herders, Rs 8.98 crore to Gauthan committees and Rs 6.29 crore to self-help groups in lieu of cow dung purchased in Gauthans from May 16 to May 31, according to the statement. “Under the Godhan Nyay Yojana, Rs 518 crore 71 lakh has been paid to cow dung vendors, Gauthan committees and women self-help groups as on May 15, 2023,” as per the official statement from the CMO.
Godhan Nyaya Yojana, one of the most popular schemes of the Chhattisgarh government, was started on 20 July 2020 from the Hareli festival. In accordance with this programme, Gauthans rural livestock herders sell cow manure for Rs 2 per kilogramme, and cow urine for Rs 4 per litre.
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