25 April, Mumbai (Maharashtra) Actress Dimple Kapadia is having a great year. She is now prepared to showcase her varied acting abilities in Homi Adajania’s “Saas Bahu aur Flamingo” series, which comes after “Pathaan.”
The trailer for the project was presented by the producers on Monday, and internet users were astounded by Dimple Kapadia’s distinctive appearance. Savitri, played by Dimple Kapadia, is seen leading a narcotics cartel in the teaser. Radhika Madan, Angira Dhar, and Isha Talwar, who play her furious daughters-in-law and daughter, stand at her side.
Naseerudin Shah, Ashish Verma, Varun Mitra, Udit Arora, Deepak Dobriyal, and Monica Dogra are among the other actors who appear in the series.
Dimple Kapadia said this about her role as Savitri in Saas, Bahu aur Flamingo: “I’ll agree that Savitri’s family is, at best, dysfunctional since they constantly compete with one another. But it might very well be the last blunder that person makes if someone from the outside poses a threat to their existence. Even though I’ve done action in some of my films, this was unabashed and real. I did appreciate the action scenes. The audience will be captivated by the drama and violence. I advise you to use a seatbelt for this roller coaster.
Homi Adajania, the director and creator of ‘Saas, Bahu aur Flamingo’, said, “Saas, Bahu aur Flamingo is not for the faint-hearted. As you immerse in this saas-bahu household many skeletons tumble out of closets and mayhem reigns when these inimitable characters fight for power and protect what’s rightfully theirs. The women in the show are spartans – you’d have to have a death-wish if you confronted them on any turf!”
Produced by Maddock Films, Saas, Bahu aur Flamingo will be out on Disney+ Hotstar on May 5.
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