A day after two charred skeletons were found inside a burnt car in Haryana, the Rajasthan Police on Friday said special teams have been formed to nab suspects based on an FIR filed by a family in Rajasthan alleging that the deceased had been kidnapped from the state’s Bharatpur district. “A missing report of two men was filed in Gopalgarh Police Station in Bharatpur on Wednesday. The mobile phones of the two men were found switched off and when we started our search for them we were told that they were in a Bolero car and had been kidnapped and violently assaulted,” Gaurav Srivastava, Inspector General, Bharatpur Range, Rajasthan said. Srivastava said that the SUV with the same engine and chasis number was found in a burnt condition in Loharu in Haryana’s Bhiwani district and there were two charred bodies found inside. “Identification of the bodies would be done only after a DNA analysis,” IG Srivastava said.
“Special teams formed to nab those named in FIR filed by the family who is claiming the victims are Junaid and Nasir who were kidnapped. Junaid has five cases pertaining to cow smuggling against him,” IG, Bharatpur Range said.
No one has been detained in this case so far, the official added.
Police said a special team has been deployed to round up a few suspects named in the FIR filed in Rajasthan.
On Thursday morning Haryana Police recovered two charred skeletons inside a SUV car near Barawas village in Haryana’s Bhiwani district. The car had also been set on fire. “Two skeletons were found in a charred Bolero in Loharu, Bhiwani district, today at 8 am (Thursday). There are chances that both victims died either due to a fire that broke out in the vehicle or were burnt to death,” Loharu Deputy Superintendant of Police Jagat Singh More said on Thursday.
A police team reached the spot with Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) team experts to investigate the case and collect evidence. “CCTV footage is being scrutinized on all the routes leading to the spot to find out what happened,” the Loharu DSP said.
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