The day before the change in the portfolio of Law Minister, PM Modi summoned high-profile Minister Kiren Rijiju to his residence late in the evening. After some time, Home Minister Amit Shah and Commerce Minister Piyush Goel also joined the meeting. What transpired in the meeting is not known. However, the next morning, the Prime Minister recommended to President Draupadi Murmu that the Law Minister be removed. It is being speculated that in the meeting of the PM, something was discussed. Sources said that when the PM and Home Minister were busy with election campaigning in Karnataka, Manipur was burning. Perhaps it is the failure of the law minister to reign in the situation, who also comes from Arunachal. The judgement triggers clashes between the Maeity and Kuki communities. The clashes spilled over to other states in the Northeast.

Rahul Gandhi rally in Madison Square 
It will be a ‘Madison Square’ moment for former Rahul Gandhi. When the Congress leaders came to know that PM Modi would be visiting the United States of America at the invitation of President Joe Biden, Rahul immediately expressed his desire to visit the USA and wanted to hold a rally of NRIs in the same place where PM Modi addressed the nation after his first win in the 2014 election. Initially, the state administration was hesitant to give permission for a rally in Madison Square. After a hectic parley with the state administration, the New York Mayor finally gave permission to the overseas Congress party to organise the meeting. When PM Modi held that public rally at Madison Square, nearly 20 thousand NRIs came to listen to him.

CBI Chief’s joining delays further
DGP of Karnataka Rakesh Sood was appointed CBI Chief on May 12. But there seems to be some problem with his joining, as the Karnataka government has not relieved him from the post. Before his appointment, the government was changed in the state. The Congress has taken over from the BJP. But a message was sent to the Chief Secretary’s office that he should not be relieved before the oath-taking of the new government. Everyone knows that State Congress leader D. K. Shivkumar had a personal conflict with the DGP. Before the polls, Shiv Kumar announced publicly that once the Congress government comes into power, he will ‘teach a lesson’ to the DGP.