Bharatiya Janata Party Chandigarh State President Jitendra Pal Malhotra has appointed Sanjeev Verma as the State President of OBC Morcha. Sanjeev Verma has been actively involved in the party for 20 years. Previously, he held various roles such as District President, Mandal President, District Secretary, and District General Secretary in Yuva Morcha. He has also served as State Secretary in OBC Morcha.

Additionally, Narendra Pandey has been appointed as the state in-charge of the Purvanchal cell. Narendra Pandey, a senior party worker, has held various positions within the party.
On this occasion, both Sanjeev Verma and Narendra Pandey expressed gratitude to the state leadership. They pledged to work with full dedication and honesty, aiming to secure BJP’s victory in Chandigarh in the upcoming 2024 elections. State President Jatinder Pal Malhotra congratulated the newly appointed officials