According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report, Chandigarh, often referred to as the “City Beautiful,” experienced the second-highest incidence of rape cases in the country, with a crime rate of 13.9. This ranking placed Chandigarh just below Uttarakhand, which reported a slightly higher rate of 15.4, while Rajasthan closely followed with a rate of 13.8. The crime rate is calculated based on the number of cases per 1 lakh population.
The NCRB report highlighted that Chandigarh recorded a total of 325 cases of crimes against women, including 78 cases of rape. In comparison, Uttarakhand reported 867 rape cases, and Rajasthan documented 5,399 such cases. Disturbingly, among the 78 rape victims in Chandigarh, 48 were minors, with two below the age of six, four aged between 6 and 12, and the remaining 42 between 12 and 18. Further analysis of these cases revealed that 70 out of 78 offenders were known to the victims, including seven family members, 35 online friends or live-in partners, and the remaining 28 were family friends, neighbours, or other acquaintances.
In addition to rape cases, Chandigarh reported 112 cases of kidnapping and abduction, 42 cases of assault on women with the intent to outrage modesty (including 10 cases involving minors), and 83 cases of cruelty by husbands against women. The report indicated that a total of 314 individuals were arrested for these offences, comprising 266 men and 48 women. These figures underscore the pressing need for concerted efforts to address and curb crimes against women in the city.