Chandigarh Police have arrested three individuals involved in a snatching case. The arrested suspects are identified as Akil alias Mula, a 23-year-old resident of Shivalik Vihar near Police Station Naya Gaon, Mohali; Vivek alias Mota, a 23-year-old resident of Dashmesh Nagar, Naya Gaon, Mohali; and Gagandeep Singh alias Gangu Tai, a resident of Professor Colony, Nada Road, near Ekam, formed as Naya Gaon Mohali.

The three accused had fled after snatching cash and a mobile phone from Vinod Kumar, a resident of Sector 15/A, Sector 15/D. Following Vinod Kumar’s complaint, the police registered a case at Police Station 11 and apprehended the accused. Providing information, Inspector Malkit Singh stated that Vinod Kumar reported three individuals on a motorcycle stopping him near Sector 15/D and snatching his mobile phone before fleeing the scene. Kumar had managed to note down the motorcycle’s number.

Inspector Malkit added that, along with examining the incident site, CCTV footage of the surrounding area was scrutinized. Acting on a tip-off, the police set up a checkpoint near Lake Mod Dhanas, where three suspects on a motorcycle were apprehended. After interrogation, all the accused were arrested, and the snatched money was recovered. Additionally, a used motorcycle, a mobile phone, and an Activa were seized from the possession of the accused.
Initial investigations have revealed that the accused are also involved in several other snatching cases. There are multiple cases of snatching registered against the accused in Chandigarh Police.