NCC Group Chandigarh has secured the first position among the eight groups of the NCC Directorate for Punjab, Haryana, and Himachal Pradesh & UT Chandigarh in the training year 2023-2024.

Eight teams, comprising 60 NCC Cadets from the states of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, and Chandigarh UT, participated in various competitions through their respective NCC Group HQs. Brigadier Harpreet Singh, Group Commander of NCC Group Chandigarh, received the Championship trophy from Major General Manjeet Singh Mokha, Additional Director General of NCC Directorate, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, and UT Chandigarh, in a function organized at NCC Academy Ropar.

On the occasion, Maj Gen Mokha congratulated the cadets on their achievement and mentioned that raw talent among NCC Cadets from various institutions is identified by NCC.
These cadets are then further trained and groomed through different programs to achieve excellence in various competitions conducted at the Directorate level among different NCC Groups.

During his address to the winners, Brigadier Harpreet Singh motivated the cadets to continue putting in their best efforts to excel in all walks of life.”