Chandigarh Mahila Congress held a press conference on Friday, led by Mahila Congress President Deepa Dubey, along with the presence of Saroj Sharma, Mamta Rana, Jyoti Hans, and Mamta Rai.

The looming specter of “rising inflation” has cast a profound impact on Indian households, attributing it to the adverse policies of the Narendra Modi government. Farmers, often unsung heroes juggling family, corporate, and well-being, find themselves battling the storm of escalating prices. The press conference unveiled the authentic narrative of farmers’ hardships and suffering.

Dubey highlighted the drastic price increases, citing examples such as tomatoes doubling from 40 to Rs 70 per kg, onions soaring from Rs 20 to Rs 35 per kg, and potatoes rising from Rs 15 to Rs 25 per kg. Notably, garlic and ginger rates have surged to nearly Rs 400. LPG cylinder prices have reached Rs 1050, straining household budgets and impacting health and hygiene as families cut back on gas usage.

The rising prices extend to essential proteins like Moong Dal, escalating from Rs 70 to Rs 90, and Arhar Dal Jok, an integral part of regional cuisine, rising from Rs 130 to Rs 160. Mustard oil, previously priced at Rs 120, has now surged close to Rs 200.

Dubey expressed the harsh reality of significant increases over the years, shaking financial budgets and limiting tenants’ resources. The struggles of women were emphasized, facing difficult choices in everyday life, from sacrificing personal well-being to compromising healthcare and education. The Prime Minister’s expressed concern over their plight was acknowledged, yet the central government’s efforts to provide essential commodities and control inflation were deemed unsuccessful.

Dubey concluded by asserting that the understanding of women’s suffering lies with leader Rahul Gandhi of Quit India Nyaya Yatra, advocating for policy-driven solutions to address common people’s problems. The call to unitedly fight against political deviations from BJP’s core issues resonated as citizens strive for change.