The Cyber Crime Police in Chandigarh apprehended two members of a cyber fraud gang accused of swindling a retired Inspector from Chandigarh Police. The arrested individuals, identified as 20-year-old Soumodeep Sarkar from Kastopur, Barbari Tala, West Bengal, and 21-year-old Sita Ram from AB303 Kastopur, Barbari Tala, West Bengal, both 12th pass, were taken into custody. The police recovered two mobile phones and two SIM cards from the possession of the accused.
According to SHO Ranjit Singh of the Cyber Crime Police Station in Sector 17, Chandigarh, the case was initiated based on the complaint filed by Birendra Singh, a resident of Kishangarh, IT Park Chandigarh, and a retired inspector from Chandigarh Police. Singh received a WhatsApp call from an unknown number (8918902127) with a profile photo under the name Rajkosh. The fraudsters, posing as treasury officers, falsely claimed that Singh’s life certificate had not been accepted, threatening to halt his pension and allowances.
A subsequent call from a different number (8982898221) presented itself as the treasury officer, extracting personal information such as name, age, date of birth, and pension bank details from Singh. Believing the caller’s legitimacy, Singh disclosed the requested information. Subsequently, his BSNL mobile number (9417937186) was found to have been ported, leading to the discovery that Rs 18,81,000 were withdrawn from his HDFC salary account and Rs 1,94,000 from his SBI pension account, totaling Rs 20,75,000.
The cyber police, aided by technical assistance and secret information, conducted raids in Kestopur, West Bengal, resulting in the arrest of Soumodeep Sarkar and Sita Ram. Both accused were presented in court, and police remand has been obtained for further investigation.
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