The Scheduled Caste Department of Chandigarh Congress on Friday expressed grave concerns about the rising incidents of atrocities against Dalits, particularly in Uttar Pradesh. In a memorandum submitted to the Deputy Commissioner of Chandigarh, Dharamveer, the Department Chairman, highlighted the killing of an innocent Dalit student in police firing in Rampur district, Uttar Pradesh. The incident occurred as the student was returning home after completing the Class 10 board exam.

Dharamveer alleged that the Uttar Pradesh Police hastily buried the deceased Dalit student against the family’s wishes, potentially erasing evidence of wrongdoing by police personnel. The family’s complaint implicated 25 individuals, including several police and government officials, yet no effective action has been taken against them. Zahid Parvez Khan, the Chandigarh Congress general secretary part of the delegation submitting the memorandum, criticized the BJP for working against Dalit interests. He called for stringent action against those responsible for harassing Dalit youth in Uttar Pradesh, leading to the tragic death.