Following a resolution passed by the Punjab assembly on April 1 2022 pertaining to its one-sided claim on union territory Chandigarh, the joint capital of Haryana and Punjab, the Haryana government passed a regulation here on Tuesday during a special assembly session criticizing the resolution of Punjab government saying that it’s not acceptable as earlier Haryana and Punjab were given 40% and 60% share at the time of reorganisation of Punjab in terms of resources assets capital and other aspects. Manohar Lal, the Chief Minister of Haryana tabled a resolution stating that the rights of Haryana are being neglected by Punjab continuously which is the matter of serious concern requiring the central government to ensure the rights of Haryana.
What the resolution passed by Haryana comprises is that the State of Haryana came into existence under the provisions of section 3 of the Punjab Reorganisation Act, 1966. The Act provided for several measures to give effect to the reorganization of Punjab into the States of Punjab and Haryana and the Union Territories of Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh. Further, it is a noticeable fact that the Indira Gandhi Agreement, the Rajiv Longowal Accord, and the Venkatramaiah Commission have accepted the claim of Haryana to Hindi-speaking areas that fall within the territory of the State of Punjab. The transfer of Hindi-speaking villages from Punjab to Haryana has also not been completed. This house notes with concern the resolution passed in the Legislative Assembly of Punjab on 1st April, 2022 recommending that the matter for transfer of Chandigarh to Punjab be taken up with the Central Government. This is not acceptable to the people of Haryana. Haryana continues to retain its right to the Capital Territory of Chandigarh. Moreover, this house has in the past passed resolutions for a separate High Court in the State of Haryana in Chandigarh in accordance with constitutional provisions.
Further , the resolution stated that the recent amendment in the rules of the Bhakra Beas Management Board by the Central Government for the appointment of whole-time members goes against the spirit of the Punjab Reorganisation Act, 1966, which treats the river projects as common assets of the successor States of Punjab and Haryana. The house notes with concern that the share of officers on deputation from the Government to Haryana to the Administration of the Union Territory (U.T) of Chandigarh has been reducing over the years. Under these circumstances, this house resolves to urge the Central Government not to take any steps that would disturb the existing balance and to maintain harmony till all the issues emanating from the reorganisation of Punjab are settled. All the leaders of all parties in assembly over united in the sport of resolution passed by the state government of Haryana.