With the upcoming General Election for the Lok Sabha in 2024 drawing near, the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) of UT Ladakh, Yatendra M Maralkar, chaired a pivotal meeting at the CEO’s conference hall in Leh. The meeting was held in collaboration with State SVEEP Icon, Phunchok Ladakhi, and the SVEEP Icons representing the districts.
During the session, CEO Yatendra M Maralkar emphasized the critical role of the State and District SVEEP Icons in amplifying the awareness campaign on Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) across Ladakh. He urged the State and District SVEEP Nodal Officers to leverage the influence of these Icons to the fullest extent possible.
The CEO stressed the importance of prominently displaying posters, banners, and awareness messages featuring the SVEEP Icons at strategic locations throughout Ladakh. Additionally, he advocated for utilizing short video messages of the Icons across various social media platforms to further enhance outreach and engagement.
Key attendees at the meeting included Joint CEO Sonam Chosjor, Additional Secretary Election, Assistant CEO, State SVEEP Nodal Officer, District SVEEP Nodal Officer, as well as the State and District SVEEP Icons. Notably, the District SVEEP Nodal Officer and the District SVEEP Icon for Kargil participated via video conferencing, underscoring the collaborative effort across Ladakh to boost voter awareness ahead of the upcoming election.
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