Health and family welfare minister of Punjab, Balbir Singh Sidhu on Sunday said that Central Government should provide free of cost Corona vaccine to the state in a stipulated time.

Talking to media persons he said that stringent measures were taken from time to time with view to control the pandemic and now, the Centre cannot backtrack from its duty to supply the Corona vaccine. Sidhu said that about 5364 COVID related unfortunate deaths till date had happened in the state which is about 178 deaths per million, in comparison to Delhi where total 10,577 COVID-19 related deaths took place and their deaths per million rate is quite high at 528. We are in a way better position than other states, he added, saying that Punjab has a recovery rate of 95 % and active cases are declining day-by-day.

Giving details on vaccination preparedness in the state, he said that Punjab is fully prepared for the vaccination drive and state has a capacity of vaccinating 4 lakh persons a day. Elaborating more on this he said that state has established robust storage capacity of 1 crore vaccines in state’s own Cold Chain centres. He stated that Punjab has also achieved more than 95% of routine vaccination of children which is highest in the Country.

Speaking on the occasion, Principal Secretary Health Hussan Lal said that vaccine will be given to about 70 lakh people in the state in phased manner, which includes 1.6 lakh health workers, other frontline workers, people aged above 50 and people with co-morbidities aged below 50. The criteria of the age will be counted as on 1 January, 2021. In the first phase all the 1.6 lakh health care workers will be vaccinated on top priority.