Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai has said that “some divisive forces” were trying to divide people on the basis of language and rationality, but their attempts have failed because of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s able leadership.
“The countrymen are watching some political parties which are indirectly, and some directly, supporting anti-national elements,” Bommai said, without elaborating. “In the name of language or rationality, some divisive forces are trying to divide the nation, but such attempts are foiled by the central government, PM Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah,” he said.
He also said that those playing politics with the nation’s security will not be spared.
While participating in the Dussehra festival at Gosai Mutt here Sunday, the chief minister called for an “agitation” on the lines of the one launched by the Maratha warrior Chhatrapati Shivaji.
“The need of the hour was to launch an agitation as done by Shivaji Maharaj to save the nation,” he said, adding, “The Gosai Mutt has the best pedigree in the country and it has the blessings of Bhavani Matha.”
He said Shivaji had extended his kingdom from the Vindhyas till Kanyakumari, but he had “given preference to local leaders”.
“The great Maratha warrior had shown that confidence is more important than the population in the kingdom, and that made him face the big Mughal Empire,” he said, adding that PM Modi is running the government on the ideals of Shivaji Maharaj.
Recently, Bommai said that by banning the PFI, the central government has sent out a strong message to all anti-national groups.