Before the Lok Sabha elections, the Central Government is going to provide big relief to Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Punjab. Preparations have been started to open Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) in 6 districts of these three states. A notification has been issued by the Director of Central CGHS. In this notification, instructions have been issued to the respective Additional Directors of CGHS of Chandigarh and Delhi to visit these cities.
It has also been said that the feasibility of opening CGHS Wellness Centers at these places should be explored and instructions have been given to collect data about the possible number of beneficiaries in the cities, especially both serving and pensioners. It has also been said that the areas around these districts and the availability of suitable housing should also be seen. It has been said in the notification that this should be done on the basis of priority.
Under CGHS, both OPD and indoor treatment is provided in government and private hospitals. Health checkup can be done at government and empanelled diagnostic centres. Cashless facility is available to pensioners and other designated beneficiaries in hospitals and clinical facilities empanelled by the government.
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