Following the arrest of Rhea Chakraborty by NCB, several Bollywood celebs came out in her support by sharing a quote which was written on the t-shirt the actress wore recently. “Roses are red, violets are blue, let’s smash the patriarchy, me and you,” it read. Sonam Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor, Vidya Balan, Abhay Deol, Anurag Kashyap, Shabana Azmi, Farhan Akhtar, Zoya Akhtar, Neha Dhupia and Shweta Bachchan Nanda among others shared the quote on social media which depicted their support to Rhea.
“Everyone loves a witch hunt as long as it’s someone else’s witch being hunted. -Walter Kirn,” wrote Sonam on Instagram, along with a photo of Rhea’s t-shirt message. Vidya Balan shared the same quote with the hashtag #JusticeForRhea. “So she was neither a gold digger nor murderer but she consumed/ transferred drugs. Congratulations to whoever this case belongs to because Sushant hasn’t gotten justice but they have,” tweeted Taapsee.
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