During the Election Commission of India’s presser to announce the 2025 Delhi election dates, Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Rajiv Kumar captivated everyone with his poetic flair, using ‘shayari‘ or Urdu poetry to add a unique touch to the proceedings. While addressing the media during the announcement of the Delhi Assembly election 2025, CEC Rajiv Kumar shared his post-retirement plans.
While asking a question on his post-retirement plans after the presser, CEC Rajiv Kumar said “I have been working in very intense and impactful places for the last 12-14 years, but I did not get much time. I will detoxify myself for 4 to 5 months and go to deep Himalayas or be away from the glare of all of you or the public.”
Rajiv Kumar was Appointed as CEC on May 15th, 2022, and will conclude on February 18th, 2025, after the Delhi Assembly Election.
CEC Rajiv Kumar’s Inspiration Goals
Rajiv Kumar’s retirement goals serve as an inspiration for many. His post-retirement plans the importance of mental health and the need for a break from the fast-paced life. He stated, “I need some Ekant, Swadhyay, or some meditation which I will do and thereafter 4 to 5 months I will devote myself fully to the charity.” “I studied in a municipal school to have a tapper in my hand and we didn’t have a roof in school. So as a passion, I will go back to those roots, and teach those children” he added.
The announcement of the Delhi Assembly Election was the last presser by CEC Rajiv Kumar as CEC. Gyanesh Kumar will succeed Rajiv Kumar as the Chief Election Commissioner (CEC).