Chief Minister Manohar Lal said that CCTV cameras will be installed in the big villages of the state from the point of view of security. A decision in regard with its arrangement will be taken soon. Apart from this, the Chief Minister announced to sanction Rs 45 lakh for construction of new road from Dhatir village to Patli village and Rs 10 lakh for repair of Hazari Bungalow Chaupal and Rs 3 crore for construction of 3.30-kilometre-long road from Dhatir to Mandkola. The Chief Minister was interacting with the people in Dhatir village, Palwal district, during a Jan Samvad programme today. He said that the work of installing street lights in 750 villages with more than 10,000 population will also be done. Manohar Lal said that the state government is working with the spirit of Antyodaya. “Today the intention of the central government and the state government is clear in matters of development,” he added. Referring to Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana, he said that it has safeguarded the health of the women and today crores of women of the country have been relieved of smoke under this scheme. Describing the Parivar Pehchan Patra (PPP) as permanent protection of poor people, the Chief Minister said that according to the 2011 census, 15 lakh Ayushman cards were made in the state, but after the PPP was made; the names of 14.5 lakh people have been added to it. He said that there were 450 BPL cards in Dhatir village in December and now 350 more BPL cards have been added. Also, 3,598 Ayushman cards have been made and so far, 17 people have taken benefits of it.
Referring to the Chirag Yojana, the Chief Minister said that under the scheme, if any promising child studies in a private school, the government will give Rs 700 to a child from Class I to V, Rs 900 to a child from Class VI to VIII and Rs 1100 to a child from Class IX to XII. He said that the development works worth Rs 43 lakh have been done in Dhatir village so far.
On the occasion, Union Minister of State for Power and Heavy Industries, Krishan Pal Gurjar, Palwal MLA
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