The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has started its probe in actor Sushant’s Singh Rajput’s death case after the Supreme Court verdict. Being led by Superintendent of Police (SP) Nupur Sharma, dozens of officers in five teams, along with forensic experts, quizzed suspects involved in the case on an action-packed Friday in Mumbai.

After reaching the city on Thursday, the central agency deployed its five teams at various locations. The first team was deployed at DRDO Guest House in Santacruz.This team grilled Neeraj for more than 8 hours. Second team was sent to Bandra Police Station and DCP Zone 9 office. SP Nupur Sharma met Abhishek Trimukhe, who was heading the Mumbai Police probe in the suicide case at DCP Zone 9 office, while the other officers of her team reached the Bandra Police Station where an ADR (accidental death report) was registered after Sushant’s death. Documents like post-mortem report, forensic report, autopsy report, viscera report, statement copies of 56 people recorded by Mumbai Police, CCTV footage, green hanging cloth, etc were collected by the CBI team from the Mumbai police. Third team which reached Andheri’s Marol area quizzed Samuel Miranda for more than 4 hours. The fourth team was positioned at CBI Mumbai Headquarters in Bandra at BKC and the fifth team was working on translation of documents related to ADR case filed in Mumbai as case papers were in Marathi.

 The CBI team will also visit Sushant’s flat in Mont Blanc building where his body was found hanging. The team will recreate the whole crime scene and will record more statements related to the case. It will also go through financial transactions of the 34-year-old actor, who was found dead in his apartment in Bandra on 14 June.

The CBI has registered a case under sections related to abetment to suicide against actress Rhea Chakraborty and five others.