Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Monday raided and searched 40 locations in Jammu, Kashmir and Madhya Pradesh in connection with the arms scam. These included the residence of Baseer Khan, former advisor to J&K Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha. Khan was relieved of the advisor’s post last week without citing any reasons. Before assuming charge as advisor to LG, Baseer Khan served as Divisional Commissioner of Kashmir. He is an IAS officer of 2000 batch.

Sources said that Khan was removed as advisor to LG after the CBI top brass informed the Ministry of Home Affairs, GoI about his name figuring in the gun license racket.

Subsequently, the MHA relieved Khan from the post, which is equivalent to a cabinet minister. The order issued by the government to relieve Khan had a reference to MHA.

“Pursuant to communication No. 15030/40/2019-J&K dated 4th October, 2021, of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, Baseer Ahmad Khan (Retired IAS:2000) is hereby relieved from the post of Advisor to the Lieutenant Governor, Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir, with immediate effect,” reads the government order issued on October 12.

Apart from Barzalla residence of Khan, CBI teams also conducted searches at around 41 locations including at Srinagar, Anantnag, Banihal, Baramulla, Jammu, Doda, Rajouri, Kishtwar (Jammu & Kashmir), Leh, Delhi & Bhind (Madhya Pradesh) at the official and residential premises of around 14 then public servants including then District Magistrates (IAS/KAS), DIO, Clerks etc.

Around five private persons (middlemen/agents); around 10 gun houses/dealers in an on-going investigation of a case related to Arms licence racket. During searches, incriminating documents including issuance of arms licenses, list of beneficiaries, documents related to investment in FDRs & other sale proceeds, property documents, bank account details, locker keys, diary comprising incriminating details, arms license Registers, electronic gadgets/mobile phones and some cash including old currency were recovered.

CBI had registered two cases on the request of J & K Government and further Notification from Government of India, and taken over the investigation of two FIRs i.e No.18 of 2018 dated 17.05.2018 earlier registered at Police Station Vigilance Organisation Kashmir (VOK) and FIR No. 11 of 2018 dated 17.05.2018 of Police Station Vigilance Organisation Jammu (VOJ) on the allegations of bulk issuance of arms licenses in the erstwhile State of J & K during the period 2012 to 2016. It was alleged that more than 2.78 lakh arms licences were issued to the non-entitled persons. CBI also collected documents pertaining to the issuance of said armed licences allegedly spread over 22 districts of J&K.