The CBI has registered a case against Chandigarh Police Inspector Harender Singh Sekhon in the disproportionate assets case. In this case, the CBI raided the house of Inspector Harender Singh Sekhon and his wife, Paramjeet Sekhon, in Sector 36 on Friday. The CBI will investigate their bank accounts and lockers. In this case, Inspector Harender Singh Sekhon’s wife is also an inspector in the police. His name was also recorded. Whereas CBI will now scrutinize his bank records. According to the information received, the CBI had received a complaint against Inspector Harender Singh Sekhon in the disproportionate assets case. The CBI has been investigating the complaint against him for the last several days. Due to the registration of a case against Inspector Harender Singh Sekhon and the raid at his house, there is a stir among many corrupt DSPs, inspectors, and employees of Chandigarh Police.
According to the information received, many DSPs and inspectors of Chandigarh Police are also on the radar of the CBI. Many officials are said to have benami hotels and farm houses in Chandigarh, Naya Gaon, and Mullapur. The above-mentioned officers are paying more attention to their business than their duty. Many police employees are also running private finance businesses under the guise of a uniform. The CBI has raided the house of Inspector Sikhs and started an investigation against him in the disproportionate assets case. Apart from this, a raid was also conducted at Sekhon’s brother’s house. No arrest has been made in the case yet.
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