On Wednesday, a member of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) team, investigating the rape and murder case at RG Kar Medical College and Hospital, arrived at the college to inspect the car of former principal Sandip Ghosh. This action follows the brutal incident that has sparked nationwide outrage and raised serious concerns about the safety of healthcare workers.

Earlier today, the Federation of All India Medical Associations (FAIMA) filed an urgent petition with the Supreme Court seeking intervention regarding the tragic rape and murder of a trainee doctor at RG Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata. FAIMA expressed gratitude to the Chief Justice of India for considering the working conditions of resident doctors and for the assurance that the Supreme Court is addressing the issues of safety and security for medical professionals.

The FAIMA petition underscored the urgent need for improved security measures and better working conditions for doctors, especially women, who often face significant risks in their roles. The horrific incident has led to widespread protests from doctors and public outcry across the country.

In response, the Supreme Court on Tuesday established a 10-member National Task Force to address violence and ensure safer working environments for medical professionals. The task force, which includes Surgeon Vice Admiral Arti Sarin, will make recommendations aimed at preventing such tragedies in the future.

The victim, a trainee doctor, was found dead in the seminar hall of RG Kar Medical College and Hospital on August 9, 2024.