On Tuesday, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) dismissed a fake letter circulating on social media regarding the ongoing investigation into the rape and murder of a trainee doctor at RG Kar Medical College in Kolkata. The letter, which has spread widely through platforms like WhatsApp, purports to be from a person named “Dr. Akash Nag,” who claims to be an Indian Police Service officer working with the CBI.

According to an official statement from the CBI, the letter falsely claims that Dr. Akash Nag is a DIG and Joint Director of the Crime Branch in Kolkata, and it is addressed to the Union Home Secretary. The CBI clarified that this letter is entirely fraudulent. The investigation into the tragic case is being handled exclusively by the CBI Headquarters in Delhi. The agency also emphasized that there is no officer by the name of Dr. Akash Nag in their ranks, nor any such designation as DIG, Joint Director, Crime Branch, ACB, Kolkata.

The CBI’s statement firmly denies the validity of the letter and its contents, labeling them as false and misleading. The agency has urged the public and all stakeholders to disregard the letter and any similar deceptive communications. The CBI reassured that the investigation is being conducted with the highest level of professionalism and adherence to standard procedures.

In light of this misinformation, the CBI is calling for vigilance and caution among the public to prevent the spread of false information and to ensure the integrity of the ongoing investigation into the serious case involving the trainee doctor.