The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) announced on Monday that it had detained two people, including a passport assistant working at the Passport Seva Kendra in Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh, on suspicion of soliciting bribes in exchange for passport issuance. The arrested persons were identified as Ankush Kumar, an assistant at Passport Seva Kendra in Muzaffarnagar and Farhan, a private person. On July 4, Abhishek Kumar, a resident of Mirzatilla in Muzaffarnagar, filed a complaint with CBI that he had applied online for a passport on May 1 at the passport office in Muzaffarnagar. He got the appointment date and submitted his documents and completed other formalities on June 19.
“On July 3, when I went to the above office to inquire about my passport, Ankush and Farhan demanded a bribe of rupees 5000 and told me that I will get my passport at home in 10 days, otherwise the file will be stuck. I have already deposited my passport fee so did not want to pay the bribe,” the complainant said.
Passport Seva Kendra in Muzaffarnagar is an extension desk of the passport office in Ghaziabad.
The CBI laid a trap and nabbed the accused while accepting the bribe of Rs 5,000, the official said. The official stated that searches had been done at the accused’s residence.
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