The Lok Sabha’s Ethics Committee, which is looking into claims made by BJP MP Nishikant Dubey that Mahua Moitra, a member of the Trinamool Congress, was paid cash for a query, will now meet on November 9 to “consider and adopt” its draft report. Originally, November 7 was set aside for the panel led by Vinod Kumar Sonkar’s meeting.

“Examination of complaint dated 15 October, 2023 given by Nishikant Dubey, MP against Mahua Moitra, MP for alleged direct involvement in cash for query in Parliament with reference to examination/investigation of alleged unethical conduct of Mahua Moitra, MP by the Committee on Ethics – Consideration and adoption of draft Report,” according to the Lok Sabha agenda.

On November 2, Moitra appeared before the Lok Sabha Ethics Committee regarding the accusations of receiving cash in exchange for a question. She “walked out” of the meeting on Thursday along with panel members who were in opposition. Concerning the line of questioning, opposition members said that the MP for the Trinamool Congress was asked “personal questions.” Those who “walked out” of the meeting included Congressman Uttam Kumar Reddy, BSP MP Danish Ali, and Janata Dal (United) MP Giridhari Yadav.

Moitra alleged that she was subjected to humiliating personal questions from the panel.
She further described the episode as “proverbial vastraharan (stripping)” referring to the chapter in Mahabharat, where Kauravas humiliated Padavas’ queen Draupadi in darbar.
In a letter to Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla, Moitra stated that “unethical, sordid, prejudiced behaviour was meted out” to her during the meeting.