The Mumbai police have initiated legal proceedings against an unidentified individual who allegedly shared defamatory images of self-proclaimed godwoman Radhe Maa on social media, authorities reported. The accused Facebook user is accused of uploading manipulated nude photos of Radhe Maa, prompting the police to take action.
Law enforcement officials are currently working to obtain information about the identity of the Facebook user, according to a police spokesperson.
The case unfolded when Vipin Ahuja, the legal manager of an advertising firm and a follower of Radhe Maa, discovered an offensive post by an individual named Prem Chand on January 3. Ahuja, responsible for handling legal matters for the godwoman, promptly filed a complaint with the Borivali police in Mumbai on Tuesday.
The complainant highlighted that the morphed photograph was shared with the intention of tarnishing Radhe Maa’s reputation. The police have registered a case against the unidentified Facebook user under sections 294 (related to obscene acts and songs), 501 (publishing material defamatory to a person) of the Indian Penal Code, and 66c (identity theft) and 67 (publishing or transmitting sexually explicit acts in electronic form) of the Information Technology Act. Radhe Maa has a significant following, with several film and TV celebrities reported to be among her devotees.
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