A person died, one went missing, and another was rescued after a car they were travelling in fell into the Sutlej River in Kinnaur district, police said on Monday. According to Himachal Pradesh police, “The incident took place on Sunday afternoon when three people were on their way from Lahaul Spiti’s Kaza town to Kinnaur district.”
The three people included two tourists from Tamil Nadu and a driver, a resident of Lahaul Spiti district in Himachal Pradesh.
“While on their way to Kinnaur, the driver lost control of the vehicle on National Highway 305 near Pangi Nala, and the car fell about 200 metres below the road into the Satluj River in Kinnaur,” said the police.
Two people were swept away, while one was seriously injured in the incident.
As soon as information about the accident was received on Sunday, Reckong Peo police, QRT and Home Guard personnel reached the spot and took the injured to the regional hospital in Reckong Peo for treatment, while a search operation was conducted to find the missing persons.
The rescue team searched for the missing persons on the banks of Sutlej and surrounding areas but could not find them until late Sunday evening. However, on Monday morning, the body of the driver, identified as Tenzin, a resident of Kaza, was discovered by search officials on the site. Meanwhile, a search operation is underway for the third missing person, said police.
Further details on the matter are awaited.