Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Thursday asked his Delhi counterpart Arvind Kejriwal to stay out of Punjab and focus on managing Covid-19 in his own state where the situation is worsening by the day.

 Captain said that Kejriwal’s announcement, asking AAP workers to go around villages and streets of Punjab with Oxymeters to check people’s oxygen levels, raised serious questions on the role of his party in the conspiracy to undermine the Punjab government’s efforts to keep the pandemic under check and save the lives of the people of the state.

The Delhi Chief Minister’s decision could have grave repercussions for Punjab’s security and integrity, said Captain Amarinder.

“We don’t need your Oxymeters. We just need you to rein in your workers in Punjab, where they are trying to incite my people into not going to hospitals to get themselves tested and treated for Covid,” said Amarinder to Kejriwal.

CM said that Punjab’s villages have witnessed a spurt of fake news and provocative videos, at least one of which was found to have emanated from abroad, most likely Pakistan.

The Chief Minister said that the video/ post was propagated by an AAP worker and was seen to be exhorting and provoking people not to cooperate with health authorities, thus endangering the health and safety of the citizens of the state.

Such rumours are provoking a section of the community to resist proper medical care which needs to be provided to all Covid-19 affected citizens, which is a clear case of a deadly criminal conspiracy against the people of the State who are already suffering due to the pandemic, said Captain Amarinder.

There were enough indications of a massive plot by elements inimical to the interests of Punjab, he said, disclosing that the police had on Thursday morning registered another case at PS Civil Lines, Patiala, on a complaint by a local medical journalist, who was offered 100 dollars for making and circulating a false video on coronavirus scare. He has asked the DGP Dinkar Gupta to thoroughly investigate the matter.