Japanese company Canon on Wednesday announced the EOS M50 Mark II mirrorless camera, designed for photography enthusiasts who are also keen to do videos and live stream, for Rs 58,995 in India. The EOS M50 Mark II features an enhanced Eye Detection AF, which is able to detect and focus on a subject’s eye even when the person is far away. This will ensure the eye will always stay in focus, making it possible to use Eye Detection AF for full body shots in addition to the common upper body portrait shot. With a shooting speed of up to 7.4fps with servo AF the camera aims to capture multiple shots of moving subjects such as children or pets. Its built-in high-resolution electronic viewfinder (EVF) makes for easy viewing even when shooting in the bright outdoors. Servo AF is an auto focus function that allows a photographer to keep a moving object automatically focused based on the camera’s setting.
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